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Initiatives for 2022

Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act 

RWIT federal register comment on proposed rule - employee or independent contractor in which we discuss the frequency that truck drivers are misclassified as independent contractors, the resulting harm, and the ways in which the Proposed Rule would provide essential clarity on driver classification.

Immediate Solutions to Address Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in Trucking

Gender-Based Violence and Harassment must be addressed in trucking. Though we are pleased that several of our members have been appointed to the Fedral Motor Carrier Safety Administration Women of Trucking Advisory Board (WOTAB), immediate solutions are in order. Trucking companies must not wait to implement impactful improvements. We have published this list of solutions and urge companies to take the initiative to raise their standards internally.

Facebook Algorithm Bias Complaint

REAL Women in Trucking continues to blaze a trail for equity. In December, 2022 we filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission asking them to investigate Meta for algorithim bias related to the delivery of job ads. You can read the press release to learn more about this important issue and download the charge documents.

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REAL Women in Trucking has been the outspoken champion for a better trucking industry since 2010. We began as an informal grass-roots driver led movement, demanding an authentic representation of issues that affect drivers.

Our goal is to ensure safe conditions, ethical practices, and ending workplace gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH). This is the cornerstone of our mission. 

We wish to create lasting change to the industry, by developing relationships with key stakeholders. Our strength is the ability to have the tough conversations, and never cease to advocate for authentic issues, RWIT is for drivers and those who support them. 

Time's Up

Sexual harassment in the workplace remains pervasive: up to 85% of women will experience workplace sexual harassment over the course of their careers. According to the 1st Global report on Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in the workplace from the International Labour Organisation, 1 in 5 workers experience GBVH in the workplace.


Employers must rethink how the workplace will operate; this is especially true in trucking since isolated workplaces are where abuse is most likely to occur — we must ensure that workplaces are safe, dignified, and equitable for everyone.


Although most current research has focused on the financial and reputational consequences for employers, little research has been done to identify the financial and economic tolls that sexual harassment takes on survivors themselves. To fill this gap in research, TIME’S UP Foundation and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research have released a new report, “Paying Today and Tomorrow: Charting the Financial Costs of Workplace Sexual Harassment.” This report is the first-ever attempt to quantify the lifetime financial cost of sexual harassment to individual women. REAL Women in Trucking participated in this study to offer insight for areas of concern related to the trucking industry. You can download the PDF report below.

Maritime Workers Lawsuit

The Maritime industry isolated training has many similarities to trucking with regards to Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment (SASH)/Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (GBVH). REAL Women in Trucking has remained an active participant in National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee (NMEDMAC) Meetings for Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Culture Change in the Merchant Marines. Our goal is to introduce and to help support similar actions for the trucking industry. 

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